Tag Archives: Education

UK Model of Selling Infrastructure Portrays US Future Sell Off to the 1%

Crystal ball not needed to peer into the future for “we the people” of the United States of America. All we need do it look to the condition of the people of the United Kingdom of Britain.

Their healthcare  the NHS being in tatters, and their pensioners being frozen out and forced out of their homes with bedroom taxes that make the escalating cost of heating fuel out of reach for them, and this next example of UK public schools and properties being given away for a pittance to private corporations and individuals who then sell them to the rich.

Here;  http://michaelrosenblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/gove-giver-schools-given-away.html

Monday, 13 August 2012

Gove the giver: schools given away.

This comes from the comments thread following an article about Gove’s maths curriculum plans:

first here’s the Guardian article itself:


Here’s the comment:

Gove once again distracting fromthe main point of his educatio reform – which is

In less than 18 months Michael Gove has transferred the title deeds of over 1900 English schools and the land the schools stand on to private companies

In less than 18 months OVER £1BILLION worth of title deeds now in the hands of the private sector

OVER £1BILLION state assets given away for free and accountants in the privatae sector cannot believe the government has also spent £481,750,000 in legal fees alone – nearly £HALF A BILLION in legal fees to transfer the title deeds of our schools to private companies

Now Gove has borrowed £half a billion – and we – the tax payers must pay this back – we the tax payers must pay the interest – to give away taxpayer owned assets to private companies

So when you pass the schools you paid to build, that you held the title deeds for – Michael Gove decided he wanted to give it away free

So who owns the schools now

In many cases Michael Gove has handed the title deeds to your school to Tory Party Members

Tory Party Member Mr Harris and his wife – they’ve been given the title deeds for lots of English schools and the land since Michael Gove became education secretary.

Now I wonder why Philip Harris and his good lady wife’s company has been handed the title deeds to taxpayer owned schools worth £100’s millions – Harris made donations to David Cameron as leader of the Conservative Party. He is considered to be one of his personal friends

Who else in the Tory Party is on the board of companies handed the title deeds to £100’s million of taxpayers title deeds to schools and land in England

Mr Stanley Fink – former banker and “god of hedge fund industry” — in 2009 appointed cop-treasurer of the Tory Party –

Fink previously donated £2.62m to the Conservative party

What has Stanley Fink got in return for being a member of the Tory Party and what return has he been given on his investment in the Tory Party

David Cameron gave him a seat in the House Of Lords immediately he came to power

David Cameron and Michael Gove have also gave his company the title deeds for schools and land worth, again, £100’s millions – via Ark Schools

Stanley Fink’s ark schools – state in their accounts – any “underspends” from their schools – the money goes to the Cayman Islands – via Stnaley Fink’s Ark Stockbrokers

So -Mr Gove – Let’s Talk Maths

When Tory’s are in charge of education –

How much did the goverment increase the deficit by just to pay for legal fees to transfer the title deeds of schools – we the taxpayers paid to build and which we owned – nearly HALF A BILLION to day in just 18 month

How Many members of the Tory Party now have the title deeds to the schools and the land ? – I’ve named just two, you tell us the rest

What is the Value of state assets Michael Gove and David Cameron have transferred from taxpayers – how much did the private companies pay for the assets (NOTHING)

How much have members of the Tory Party made from selling school land in the past 18 month (when they got it for free

How much money, from English Education funds, meant to be spent on Education of English children has been transferred to the Cayman Islands for the schools Tory Party Member Stanley Fink’s company controls

What is the total value of the schools and land so far (conservative estimates to date over £1billion – what’s the real figure Michael)

So when Michael Gove tells us children should read in Roman Numerals – Tory Party Members shake hands and congratulate themselves in abusing power in Goverment to transferring £1billion of state assets and Land to each other – that’s the only Maths Michael Gove is talking in England and they celebrate with champagne at how easy it all is

This year + ago blog post was found from comments upon ;  http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cartoon/2013/oct/18/jeremy-hunt-nhs

ExuroPythonissam MysticFish

Hi Mystic

(old Cif posting from Scottish Lady, I think)

Probably this comment: ScottishLady comment (13 August 2012) Over £1 billion worth of title deeds are now in the hands of the private sector.

This rip-off of the century is being totally ignored by the media.

Why this conspiracy of silence?

I can find nothing in the Guardian (except in the comments sections) or in any other national newspaper.

Google throws up these, but they are hardly mainstream media:

Why is the media ignoring Michael Gove’s school privatisation bonanza? Liberal Conspiracy

£1billion of title deeds for schools transferred to private companies – IndyMedia UK

£1billion of title deeds for schools transferred to private companies – Mumsnet talk

Gove the giver: schools given away. (Michael Rosen blog)

Michael Gove and the school “Academification” process (blog)



Another post relevant to this from ScottishLady:

And of course when a school becomes an academy – who handles the teacher’s pension funds – hmm… would that be the private company – instead of the goverment

And then these companies also get their hands on £57 BILLION every year of taxes under the guise of an educaiton budget

Stanley Fink – his company states any “underspends” they transfer to a Cayman Ilsand fund (the money went into the ARk in £billions in £billions )

Of course Stanley Fink the Tory party treasurer has donated over £2 million to the Tory party – and Gove has handed his private company title deeds for schools and land worth at least £1i87million so far – not a bad return on your investment Stanley


Already the US has sold many toll roads, parks, and countless public properties to the Saudis, the Chinese, and who knows else? Our politicians now must endure lectures from our creditors (China’s ridiculing warning about our defaulting on their holdings of +trillion debts).

When we give the engine to pay the note can we drive our automobile to work anymore? It looks like the elite think they have the best chance of making all of us into their serfs once again. But I hope and pray that we will refuse their yoke of slavery.

Word for Word, Local Talking Heads Clone Affiliate’s Telepromptered Scripts

WAKE UP! Shake off Local TV Talking Heads, OK, I always knew that all the mainstream ‘big box’ network news were co-ordinated, and I thought I understood that our friendly community TV newscasts were “salted” with politically correct national and international scripts for Local TV news Talking Heads to parrot, but I just never considered that those “salty” insertions were so blatantly presented as the clever witticisms of our hometown voices of TV authority.

OK, OK, OK, I’ve been a little naive in thinking that there was anything local about Local TV, after all they are called Affiliates, aren’t they, and they’re owned by people who own strings of TV stations for making profits, for heaven’s sakes!

You’ll see those Local Talking Heads Clone Affiliates’ Telepromptered Scripts in a set of video clips that will make your respect for your neighborhood talents evaporate. These pretty people are good at smiling, memorizing, and regurgitating from their play manuscripts in such an appealing way that you actually might believe they have a care about the information they’re parroting.

The Beginning Of The End For The Mainstream Media!

From Comments on the video,

Van Couver , said, “Love it! Thank you! I wish all the tv owners/watchers would see this video. What is insane is now normal and what is normal is considered insane. George Carlin said it best, “rip common sense”.”

800lbgrila  , said, “Direct TV jeanie system lets u record 6 channels, real time simutane. On skiping playback u would swear they were owned and scripted by same corp. Oh shit, they are.” 

Constitution Lobby , said, “very sickening how pathetically inadequate our information system is. it is run by a bunch of nuts, criminals and psycopaths and they only hire imbeciles (or fire or threaten those who are not) and so many Americans are relying on this insanity for their information. it begs the question, who are the crazy ones around here? Those who believe media or who can see through it?” 


 SuspiciousPatriot  , said, “Amazing, when you see them all line up like that, repeating the same words and phrases in the same order. Even more amazing, that people still watch that crap, known as the mainstream “news”. It’s nothing but propaganda.”

seektruthandwisdom , said,  “Put the MSM in a museum with the dinosaurs. The news anchors are nothing more than charming actors who read from a script and brainwash the public into believing what their hidden masters want you to believe.”



Feminism 2.0 (Sheryl Sandberg Feminist “Lean In” Author vs Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton professor and former top State Department official) Memes for Worker Bees

Feminism 2.0 (Sheryl Sandberg Feminist “Lean In” Author vs Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton professor and former top State Department official) Memes for Worker Bees 

This represents a Hobson’s Choice. The absence of a third way, a traditional wife and mother role from this debate seems to assume that is an impossible or passe, old fashioned choice.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook, Silicon Valley executive manager and author of “Lean In”, sponsored, launched, or interviewed by

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, at the offices of the Bloomberg Foundation, on East 78th Street, NY, NY

CBS Program, “60 Minutes”

Time Magazine,

“Makers,” a new documentary on feminist history,

Debora L. Spar, president of Barnard College, who invited Ms. Sandberg to deliver a May 2011 commencement address about gender in the workplace

Cosmopolitan magazine ( which is publishing a 40-page supplement to its April issue devoted to Ms. Sandberg’s ideas, and plan to spread her message to community colleges),

Jill Abramson, the executive editor of The New York Times,

Rachel Sklar, founder of a networking list for women in technology, who is on the Lean In launch committee,

and many other mainstream media outlets plus,

World Economic Forum in Davos, Ms Sandberg  spoke on the topic at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month.

Sheryl Sandberg, “Women in management positions show less flexibility to move to other companies and new areas of responsibility than men, which hampers careers. Little American boys can imagine becoming president, but little American girls cannot.”


Anne-Marie Slaughter (Princeton professor and former senior adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton)

Sandberg’s focus, women’s lagging ambition vs. men (“We will never close the achievement gap until we close the ambition gap,” she has said), “is a much, much smaller problem than our social and political structures,” Slaughter contends. Sandberg’s message, she adds, “isn’t taking account of the full spectrum of women who are not superhuman and rich. Sheryl Sandberg is both superhuman and rich.”


 Atlantic Magazine article titled, “Why Women Can’t Have It All,” last year arguing that feminism — and Ms. Sandberg — were holding women to unattainable standards.

Women Don’t Need to “Lean In” More; Powerful Men Need to Reach Out ,  Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, a consultant who works with companies to improve their gender balance.

Fortune magazineSlaughter vs. Sandberg: Can women have it all?

By Patricia Sellers June 25, 2012,    “Is this a “face-off,”, as the New York Times proclaimed, between two elite, superstar women about what is right or wrong with workaday lives and careers? “It’s a debate about how we solve a common problem,”….. “Since then, both women quietly developed perhaps the most notable feminist row since Ms. Friedan refused to shake Gloria Steinem’s hand decades ago.”

Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique,” and Gloria Steinem’s MS magazine worked for the same goal, their methods squabbles not withstanding caused great upheavals of traditional human society were two sides to the coin of male/female work place relations, occupations, and personal relations.

(In a related development the Queen of England at age 86 has just this week announced her support for gender equality thereby opening up the throne to women succession. I wonder why the “old girl”, is doing this at this late date? Speculate, speculate, speculate………in any case there is only one crowned head at a time, not much room at the top…….anywhere in the world, is there?)

And finally that reminds me. There are few corner offices and even fewer penthouse offices for anyone to attain. So why train so many for the race to the top at all? Is it a question of conditioned obedience to the corporate model?

worker bees?

Yes, that must be it. I like honey quite a lot, but I’m not envious of those creatures at all, bee society doesn’t appeal to me in the least! But UN Agenda 21 proponents think the hive is grand. Yet that is a failed philosophy built upon a reprobate misunderstanding of the very nature of humans. In the end we aren’t bees and can never be contained in the planned communities Agenda 21 daydream.

What few women and men attain to the lofty goals of both Ms Sandberg and Professor Slaughter might examine whether the sacrifices they advocate to get to the CEO Suite give life meaning or simply lead to regrets of lost opportunities for more valuable experiences in the wider world of existence for the sake of breath itself.

I don’t believe many were meant to rule, the air is too thin for most up there on the top floor. Even if you reach Mt. Everest you can’t live there very long and would you, if you could……in any event it’s the climb and the companions that make for a successful contented happy life, and sometimes its the view, but often even that is obscured, then a kind word and a hot cup of coffee or tea would make all the difference……………

False Dilemma, Morton’s Fork, Hobson’s Choice, or Just Plain Blackmail and Extortion?

False Dilemma, Morton’s Fork, Hobson’s Choice, and/or Just Plain Blackmail and Extortion that the Elite  Puppeteers manipulate the voter to make in this quadrennial popularity contest for figurehead puppet of the United States of America is a concerted operation against the sovereignty of our fair country of which neither choice will bring the citizens any relief.

But as the first Tuesday in November looms closer the show must go on while the real rulers (central bankers and corporate heads) quietly pick our pockets and steal us blind and take our personal and civic liberties away one by one, at ever increasing speeds.

My eighty year old uncle who says pointing to the TV that is on all his waking hours, “This FOX channel is all the news I watch and the way these people think is the way I think it is.” Then he with genuine bewilderment asked, “So how in the world does Obama still have all this support?”

People have to eat and have a roof over their heads. 

I looked at him and told him that it has to do with the 47% government check dependent poor and especially the working poor who are not able to make a living wage who have full time jobs and still must have food stamps to feed their children and themselves. The social security dependents absolutely cannot get by without their meager checks and government medical programs.

Do the math.

When this 47% is added to the people (myself included) who hold absolute disgust for the greed and callousness of the rich class which represents the Romney GOP party leadership, which made it transparently clear that they would have their predetermined candidate Mr. Romney and no other.

They ran rough shod over Ron Paul and others to cheat them out the race through stealing the states of Maine and Michigan and ‘irregularities’ in Nevada, Missouri, Louisiana, and not a few other primaries in voter frauds and  other dirty tricks).

And Mr. Paul was either lead astray by some of his GOP campaign advisors, or he made for his own unexplained reasons, the poor choice to not challenge Mitt Romney directly in ads and debates, so some of the blame lies in that area as well.  Then the Elite Puppeteer’s owned main stream media outlets did the rest through their marginalization and ridicule of the chances Ron Paul the only one with crowds of all ages where ever he went.

Perhaps the Paul family is naive and have been too far inside the Washington DC Beltway too long. I would hate to find out that they were part of a deeper political game, nonetheless we have arrived at the GOP’s first choice an elitist religionist  practicing Mormon who deeply relies upon his faith that differs in the most important issues from traditional Christianity whose voters are now supporting Romney as, “the lesser of two evils” holding their holier than thou noses and voting ‘conservative’ GOP all the way down the ballot.

This leads me to ask whether this could be a repeat of McCain vs Obama when the GOP gave us the most unattractive Republican to insure charismatic Obama’s election?

As a mother I have lead my children to make the ‘right’ choice at certain times through  False Dilemma, Morton’s Fork, Hobson’s Choice, and/or Just Plain Blackmail and Extortion  for my ends, sometimes for my own self centered convenience and benefit, but mostly for the children’s best guidance, yet knowing that I had manipulated them into going my way rather than allowing them freedom to choose of their own accord.

There is good protection/parenting and then there is bad which is neither. Do not imagine that the Elite Puppeteers are so benevolent toward us.


Two stories illustrate:




By Charles C. Johnson

(…)The Daily Caller has obtained a complete audio recording of the October 19, 1998 Loyola College forum on community organizing and policymaking during which a future President Barack Obama said he favored the government redistribution of wealth. The audio demonstrates the context of that remark and reveals other far-left positions that Obama held as a state senator.

Those positions encompass issues as wide-ranging as gun control, universal health care and welfare reform. Obama also said he viewed welfare recipients and “the working poor” as “a majority coalition” that could be mobilized to help advance progressive policies and elect their champions.

Last week the liberal Mother Jones magazine published video footage, shot during a campaign event, showing Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney opining that 47 percent of Americans are captive Democratic voters because they receive government benefits without paying income taxes.(my emphasis)(…)

Video Link




Republican poll analysis: Romney winning with middle-class families


This #2 story misses the fact that these ‘middle-class families’ are falling out of that class every day through loss of jobs and inflation and loss of real estate value and shrinking opportunities for their adult children who are coming back to the nest after getting college degrees that lead to no job offers in their chosen fields who end up taking the low paying jobs they held while getting those diplomas in the first place.

So how will that work out in the numbers, Mr. Romney? What are the GOP going to do with that real life situation of the shrinking middle-class?

Mr. Romney has totally alienated that 47% he spoke of as being  captive Democratic voters , so how in the world does he imagine that enough of the 53% who have managed to stay off the food stamps and off public assistance, by the winds of changeable fortune, how could many enough of they who are close to joining and enlarging  the 47% vote for Mitt Romney who gives such short shrift and almost royal ignorance about their human plight?

Mr. Clinton’s campaign was right, “It’s about the economy, stupid!”

I’ll say it again,

People have to eat and have a roof over their heads. 


My considered mathematical prediction is that Obama wins unless there is another vote rig in Romney’s favor.

I will keep a clear conscious and either cast a vote for ‘Other’ or not vote at all, I haven’t decided quite yet, but I’ve grown too awake respond to these  False Dilemma, Morton’s Fork, Hobson’s Choice, and/or Just Plain Blackmail and Extortion choices any more. Face it citizens, this is election is nothing but a distraction for the Puppeteer Elite who are the real shadow government to finish the job of divide and conquer the USA into a state of chaos from which we will beg to be taken into their New World Order.

It is working very well, they hope, but their breakneck speed will be their undoing in the end, because evil divided will destroy itself. Just wait for it. There are “Other” choices.







Scotch Tape Simple Semi-conductor Physics First

A first for physics: inducing superconductivity in a semi-conductor with Scotch Tape

University of Toronto U of T News, Kim Luke

(…)An international team led by University of Toronto physicists has developed a simple new technique to induce high-temperature superconductivity in a semiconductor for the first time – using Scotch Tape.

The method paves the way for new devices that could be used in quantum computing and to improve energy efficiency.

“Who would have thought simply sticking things together can generate entirely new effects?” said team leader and U of T physicist Ken Burch.

High-temperature superconductors are materials that conduct electricity without heating up or losing energy at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Used to transmit electricity with low loss, these superconductors are also the building blocks of the next generation of devices such as quantum computers. (…)  http://news.utoronto.ca/first-physics-inducing-superconductivity-semi-conductor-scotch-tape


Red Carpet for Solyndra at DNC, Yacht Party Inculsion for Skull & Bones Decked Lady at GOP Convention Exclusive Shindigs

Elite red carpet donors of both Republican and Democratic Conventions participate in invitation only yacht parties and celebrity entertainments, they earned these perks as ‘Thankyou!-Payments’ for raising their cool hundred-thousands and millions for their candidates.

Kudos! to ABC for reporting these to we the people, aka the unwashed mass of America, for whom these richer and wiser-than-thou’s raise moneys to determine who gets into the Whitehouse and by extrapolation, who get the best positions for insider information, profiteering, and power brokering for the next 4 years :

Here ABC’s Brian Ross Interview Big-Money Romney Backers coming out of exclusive luxury gathering Tampa Bay, Florida, Republican Convention yacht party.

These screenshots show a lady who likes Skull and Crossbones jewelry, coincidence of fashion? or could it be significance of support for or connection to Yale fraternal order which both Kerry and G W Bush belong? Maybe she wore the choker to get into the shipboard pirate y spirit of being invited to the insider yacht party?


“Money helps the friendship.” says Romney supporter Charlie Moncrief after his wife Kit says being a friend helps get you into exclusive yacht party.
Kit Moncrief, wearing a Skull & Crossbones neck choker, explains, “It’s for a good cause.” after the couple admit they raised over a million dollars for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.




Here ABC’s Brian Ross showing that the very same thing is happening at the Democratic Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.


(…)Solyndra , a California solar panel firm that wound up in bankruptcy.

Steven J. Spinner joined other top fundraisers for a VIP tour of the Democratic National Convention floor in Charlotte Monday evening, posing and waving for a photographer while standing behind the podium. When he saw ABC News cameras, however, he ran for the exit.(…)

From ABC’s Brian Ross’ On the Money Trail;

Steve Spinner happy to be on the red carpet at DNC Charlotte NC, until he saw ABC cameras and then he went out a side exit to avoid them.

Video found here;




Speculations on USCOTUS Ruling as Political Ploy by Republican Appointed Justice Roberts to Get Romney Elected



This Election Just Became About Obamacare
11:06 AM, Jun 28, 2012 • By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON



Roberts to the rescue for Romney
By Joseph Curl

(…) Chief Justice Roberts has given Mitt Romney a key attack: The president is a tax-and-spend liberal bent on expanding government to unprecedented levels. And the presumed Republican nominee knows it: “If we want to get rid of Obamacare, we’re going to have to replace President Obama,” he said from a rooftop in Washington overlooking the Capitol. “What the court did not do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected president.”(…)



The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes

By Charles Hurt

Justice Roberts,  “Members of this Court are vested with the authority to interpret the law; we possess neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgments. Those decisions are entrusted to our nation´s elected leaders, who can be thrown out of office if the people disagree with them. It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”


This is all too convoluted and political for mere mortals to see where these powerful governmental opponents are leading us unless we look at history and examine those games of past governing regimes.


In efforts to make some scene out of the USCOTUS ruling upon Obamacare by the 5 to 4 finding with Justice Roberts the ‘conservative’ appointment breaking the 4 to 4 party-line tie decision.  I began thinking, running these confusing political ploys around in my mind and then I found this article by searching the term, “choose your enemies carefully”, it was buried on the eleventh search page, but I think it is very apropos today as the governing parties left and right in this country have taken nearly every ‘imagine’ and made them all apply to life in the USA, 2012.


Orwell’s Nightmare: Imagine a Country Where. . .

(…) A place where “secrecy” and “national security” were used to control debate;

Where legitimate secrecy, was subject to political use and abuse;

Where “legislators” were mere mouthpieces for and rubberstamps of whoever was in power;

Where you lived and died with the permission of the government;

A place where foreign policy was more important than domestic concerns;

Where fear was used as a political weapon and an acceptable means of control;

Where the best medical care was reserved for the influential;

Where wealth was concentrated in the top 5%;

A place where there was no middle class — just a small economic and political elite, and the working poor.(…)

This is from a speech by former CIA officer Jim Marcinkowski, now running for Congress in Michigan’s 8th District.

These remarks were delivered in Washtenaw County, Michigan on February 8, 2006

He was referring to the now dissolved Soviet Union, against which America presented itself as a vibrant and inspiring contrast — well, most of the time.

We have become a nation led by those contriving fear, selling fear, validating fear, legitimated by fear — and we run the risk of becoming what we fought for decades.

— Steve Clemons, Sunday, Feb 12 2006


Funny thing here is that no matter which candidate is elected it is still the NWO candidate taking the USA further into the matrix of global governance. Seems we have between these a Hobson’s Choice. But friends, there are other choices which are not political and go outside that box……….. Just saying.