Monthly Archives: March 2013

Over 330,000,000 abortions and 200,000,000 sterilizations in China in 40 years of one-child policy

Over 330,000,000 abortions and 200,000,000 sterilizations in China in 40 years of one-child policy.

via Over 330,000,000 abortions and 200,000,000 sterilizations in China in 40 years of one-child policy.


I add to this article this thought;


The paragraph

[…]For the first time in 40 years, China’s younger labor force dropped last year, which economists warn can be devastating for a developing country. “This makes China’s population look more like a developed country than a developing one, which is a key disadvantage in labor-intensive industries,” economist Ken Peng told the Financial Times.[…]


SO there is another element at work in the population story. The Chinese have already installed ROBOTS to replace human labor;     Written By: David J. Hill
Posted: 11/12/12

1 Million Robots To Replace 1 Million Human Jobs At Foxconn? First Robots Have Arrived.

[…]While consumers began to complain in response to media coverage over working conditions, prompting Apple to hire an audit of the factories, Foxconn’s President Terry Gou had another idea for dealing with labor concerns: replace people with robots. In fact, last year Gou said that the company would be aiming to replace 1 million Foxconn workers with robots within 3 years.[…]



How of how? will my poor little mother be able to pay that energy bill???? The shame of this is beyond belief!

Real Climate Science

In case you had any doubt that Obama’s goal is to destroy the US

ScreenHunter_123 Mar. 26 06.21

“If we start really squeezing down on carbon dioxide over the next few decades, well, that could double; it could eventually triple. I think inevitably if we squeeze down on carbon, we squeeze up on the cost, it brings along with it a push toward efficiency; it brings along with it a push towards clean technologies in a conventional pollution sense; it brings along with it a push towards security. Because after all, the security issues revolve around carbon bearing fuels.”

Obama’s Energy nominee: We need carbon tax to double or triple energy cost |

h/t to Dave G

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Yes, there are still voices of reason, I pray for ears that will hear them.

Real Climate Science

One good man can make a difference. Rand Paul has turned around public opinion about Obama’s plans to murder Americans with impunity.

A year ago, as the presidential race was taking shape, The Washington Post’s pollster asked voters whether they favored the use of drones to kill terrorists or terror suspects if they were “American citizens living in other countries.” The net rating at the time was positive: 65 percent for, 26 percent against.

Today, after a month of Rand Paul-driven discussion of drone warfare, Gallup asks basically the same question: Should the U.S. “use drones to launch airstrikes in other countries against U.S. citizens living abroad who are suspected terrorists?” The new numbers: 41 percent for, 52 percent against.

Drones poll: More people oppose drones killing U.S. citizens.

The Washington Post said that Paul’s filibuster was an ineffective political stunt.

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Feminism 2.0 (Sheryl Sandberg Feminist “Lean In” Author vs Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton professor and former top State Department official) Memes for Worker Bees

Feminism 2.0 (Sheryl Sandberg Feminist “Lean In” Author vs Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton professor and former top State Department official) Memes for Worker Bees 

This represents a Hobson’s Choice. The absence of a third way, a traditional wife and mother role from this debate seems to assume that is an impossible or passe, old fashioned choice.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook, Silicon Valley executive manager and author of “Lean In”, sponsored, launched, or interviewed by

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, at the offices of the Bloomberg Foundation, on East 78th Street, NY, NY

CBS Program, “60 Minutes”

Time Magazine,

“Makers,” a new documentary on feminist history,

Debora L. Spar, president of Barnard College, who invited Ms. Sandberg to deliver a May 2011 commencement address about gender in the workplace

Cosmopolitan magazine ( which is publishing a 40-page supplement to its April issue devoted to Ms. Sandberg’s ideas, and plan to spread her message to community colleges),

Jill Abramson, the executive editor of The New York Times,

Rachel Sklar, founder of a networking list for women in technology, who is on the Lean In launch committee,

and many other mainstream media outlets plus,

World Economic Forum in Davos, Ms Sandberg  spoke on the topic at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month.

Sheryl Sandberg, “Women in management positions show less flexibility to move to other companies and new areas of responsibility than men, which hampers careers. Little American boys can imagine becoming president, but little American girls cannot.”


Anne-Marie Slaughter (Princeton professor and former senior adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton)

Sandberg’s focus, women’s lagging ambition vs. men (“We will never close the achievement gap until we close the ambition gap,” she has said), “is a much, much smaller problem than our social and political structures,” Slaughter contends. Sandberg’s message, she adds, “isn’t taking account of the full spectrum of women who are not superhuman and rich. Sheryl Sandberg is both superhuman and rich.”


 Atlantic Magazine article titled, “Why Women Can’t Have It All,” last year arguing that feminism — and Ms. Sandberg — were holding women to unattainable standards.

Women Don’t Need to “Lean In” More; Powerful Men Need to Reach Out ,  Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, a consultant who works with companies to improve their gender balance.

Fortune magazineSlaughter vs. Sandberg: Can women have it all?

By Patricia Sellers June 25, 2012,    “Is this a “face-off,”, as the New York Times proclaimed, between two elite, superstar women about what is right or wrong with workaday lives and careers? “It’s a debate about how we solve a common problem,”….. “Since then, both women quietly developed perhaps the most notable feminist row since Ms. Friedan refused to shake Gloria Steinem’s hand decades ago.”

Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique,” and Gloria Steinem’s MS magazine worked for the same goal, their methods squabbles not withstanding caused great upheavals of traditional human society were two sides to the coin of male/female work place relations, occupations, and personal relations.

(In a related development the Queen of England at age 86 has just this week announced her support for gender equality thereby opening up the throne to women succession. I wonder why the “old girl”, is doing this at this late date? Speculate, speculate, speculate………in any case there is only one crowned head at a time, not much room at the top…….anywhere in the world, is there?)

And finally that reminds me. There are few corner offices and even fewer penthouse offices for anyone to attain. So why train so many for the race to the top at all? Is it a question of conditioned obedience to the corporate model?

worker bees?

Yes, that must be it. I like honey quite a lot, but I’m not envious of those creatures at all, bee society doesn’t appeal to me in the least! But UN Agenda 21 proponents think the hive is grand. Yet that is a failed philosophy built upon a reprobate misunderstanding of the very nature of humans. In the end we aren’t bees and can never be contained in the planned communities Agenda 21 daydream.

What few women and men attain to the lofty goals of both Ms Sandberg and Professor Slaughter might examine whether the sacrifices they advocate to get to the CEO Suite give life meaning or simply lead to regrets of lost opportunities for more valuable experiences in the wider world of existence for the sake of breath itself.

I don’t believe many were meant to rule, the air is too thin for most up there on the top floor. Even if you reach Mt. Everest you can’t live there very long and would you, if you could……in any event it’s the climb and the companions that make for a successful contented happy life, and sometimes its the view, but often even that is obscured, then a kind word and a hot cup of coffee or tea would make all the difference……………

Rand Paul Filibuster and Terrible Media Coverage

In 13 hour Senate Filibuster Rand Paul asks ONE question of Obama Administration.

“Do you have the Constitutional power to use a drone to kill a US citizen on US soil?”

“No.” Should have been the answer, but instead we get legalese that proclaims power to provisionally decide to kill a US citizen on US soil with a drone.

Mike Adams says,

[…]The American “battlefield” doctrine and the NDAA

In defending the drone assassination powers of the President, you might hear language used that says drones will “only be used on the battlefield.” That seems to imply they will only be used in the Middle East, right?

Wrong. The USA has been legally defined as the new “battlefield” by the NDAA. That’s theNational Defense Authorization Act which also allows for the arrest and indefinite detention of American citizens without trial, without legal representation and even without them ever being charged.

The USA is the new “battlefield,” and when you combine the NDAA and the DOJ’s new drone killing justification memo, you now have the claimed legal framework for any American on U.S. soil to be arrested, detained, tortured or blown to bits without warning and without even a single shred of evidence being presented against him.

Yes, this is America today. Right now. You are living under a military dictatorship and most of you don’t even realize it yet. Even liberals and progressives are starting to wake up to Obama’s tyranny, by the way. On Democracy Now, Daniel Ellsberg recently described Obama’s actions as a “systematic assault on the Constitution.”

Who are the terrorists?

Of course, anyone who raises these points will be immediately dismissed with the claim that all this new power in the hands of the President will only be used “against terrorists.”

Okay, then who are the terrorists, exactly? It turns out they are YOU!

As Judge Napolitano recently explained:

The [Janet Napolitano DHS] memorandum said that people who are pro-life, people who believe in the right to keep and bear arms, returning veterans, people who think the government is too big and the IRS is too powerful, could be characterized as domestic terrorists. That could characterize two-thirds of the country. (Click here to see related video.)   […]

[…]All that is necessary to justify the murder of American citizens without trial is labeling them “terrorists” even with no evidence to support such a claim. The drone killings require no evidence. They only require the signature of one man.

Who is likely on the drone strike target list in the USA

So who is most likely to be assassinated by President Obama once drone strikes are fully unleashed in the USA?

• Journalists.
• Political opponents.
• Anti-government protesters. (One Hellfire missile takes ‘em all out.)
• Online activists.
• Veterans.
• Gun owners and gun shops.
• Constitutionalists and libertarians.

Drone strikes are completely silent because the Hellfire missiles arrive faster than the speed of sound. You don’t even hear the missile until after the explosion. The blast radius of a Hellfire missile is 15 – 20 meters, and everything inside that radius is completely obliterated. This is more than enough to destroy entire homes, apartments and office buildings, not to mention vehicles and even light bunkers.

World Net Daily editor Joseph Farah actually voiced his concern about Obama being reelected, saying that he believed Obama would “kill journalists” if he won a second term. Farah is not being paranoid. He’s right on the money with where this is going. Copy and paste, to read his article this link,   published right before the 2012 election.


I think Mike Adams sees this issue very clearly, will enough US citizens wake up to the warning bells ringing through his and Joseph Farah’s and many others including the Rand Paul Senate Filibuster to save what is left of the Republic? Or will the slow murder of the US Constitution continue to its last gasp with an ignominious endgame?