Category Archives: Unconstitutional Power Grabs

The time is now:

EFF Hails Court Ruling Rejecting NSA Bulk Collection of Americans’ Phone Records

Appeals Court Decision Should Push Congress to Strengthen Protections Against Mass Surveillance, EFF Says

San Francisco – A federal appeals court today ruled that the NSA’s bulk collection of phone records is illegal, saying Congress didn’t authorize collection of a ”staggering” amount of information on Americans. The decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S.Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit overturns a judge’s ruling dismissing ACLU’s challenge to Section 215 of the Patriot Act, ACLU v. Clapper.


Rand Paul and Ron Wyden to work together to block Patriot Act renewal

Senators from Kentucky and Oregon launch bipartisan filibuster to prevent a vote on extending the law without amendment


Reminder: spy agencies are desperate to keep their spying secret because they fear legal challenges, not terrorism

Why a federal court decision vindicates Edward Snowden’s most famous leak


Back Doors

Update: illustration from




30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 2

Published on Dec 30, 2013

by: Jacob “@ioerror” Applebaum


Judge: NSA’s collecting of phone records is probably unconstitutional




TV(KMOX/Michael Calhoun/File) East St Louis Police
TV(KMOX/Michael Calhoun/File) East St Louis Police
XKS screen capture of p.11
XKS screen capture of p.11


NSA collection of phone data is lawful, federal judge rules

Veterans are being sent letters that state they are "incompetent" to bear arms without  judicial hearing with evidence being offered to prove to a judge that the person is indeed incompetent
Veterans are being sent letters that state they are “incompetent” to bear arms without judicial hearing with evidence being offered to prove to a judge that the person is indeed incompetent


Big Agri-business of Developed Countries use WTO to Squeeze Small Farmers in the Developing World
Rep. Walden Bello Philippine House of Representatives, ” the Philippines—and most other developing countries—lost out by joining the WTO nearly 20 years ago. Our agriculture and industry are now on their last legs”

Developed countries are still using the WTO to squeeze small farmers in the developing world–and developing world governments are going along with the charade.

UK Model of Selling Infrastructure Portrays US Future Sell Off to the 1%

Crystal ball not needed to peer into the future for “we the people” of the United States of America. All we need do it look to the condition of the people of the United Kingdom of Britain.

Their healthcare  the NHS being in tatters, and their pensioners being frozen out and forced out of their homes with bedroom taxes that make the escalating cost of heating fuel out of reach for them, and this next example of UK public schools and properties being given away for a pittance to private corporations and individuals who then sell them to the rich.


Monday, 13 August 2012

Gove the giver: schools given away.

This comes from the comments thread following an article about Gove’s maths curriculum plans:

first here’s the Guardian article itself:

Here’s the comment:

Gove once again distracting fromthe main point of his educatio reform – which is

In less than 18 months Michael Gove has transferred the title deeds of over 1900 English schools and the land the schools stand on to private companies

In less than 18 months OVER £1BILLION worth of title deeds now in the hands of the private sector

OVER £1BILLION state assets given away for free and accountants in the privatae sector cannot believe the government has also spent £481,750,000 in legal fees alone – nearly £HALF A BILLION in legal fees to transfer the title deeds of our schools to private companies

Now Gove has borrowed £half a billion – and we – the tax payers must pay this back – we the tax payers must pay the interest – to give away taxpayer owned assets to private companies

So when you pass the schools you paid to build, that you held the title deeds for – Michael Gove decided he wanted to give it away free

So who owns the schools now

In many cases Michael Gove has handed the title deeds to your school to Tory Party Members

Tory Party Member Mr Harris and his wife – they’ve been given the title deeds for lots of English schools and the land since Michael Gove became education secretary.

Now I wonder why Philip Harris and his good lady wife’s company has been handed the title deeds to taxpayer owned schools worth £100’s millions – Harris made donations to David Cameron as leader of the Conservative Party. He is considered to be one of his personal friends

Who else in the Tory Party is on the board of companies handed the title deeds to £100’s million of taxpayers title deeds to schools and land in England

Mr Stanley Fink – former banker and “god of hedge fund industry” — in 2009 appointed cop-treasurer of the Tory Party –

Fink previously donated £2.62m to the Conservative party

What has Stanley Fink got in return for being a member of the Tory Party and what return has he been given on his investment in the Tory Party

David Cameron gave him a seat in the House Of Lords immediately he came to power

David Cameron and Michael Gove have also gave his company the title deeds for schools and land worth, again, £100’s millions – via Ark Schools

Stanley Fink’s ark schools – state in their accounts – any “underspends” from their schools – the money goes to the Cayman Islands – via Stnaley Fink’s Ark Stockbrokers

So -Mr Gove – Let’s Talk Maths

When Tory’s are in charge of education –

How much did the goverment increase the deficit by just to pay for legal fees to transfer the title deeds of schools – we the taxpayers paid to build and which we owned – nearly HALF A BILLION to day in just 18 month

How Many members of the Tory Party now have the title deeds to the schools and the land ? – I’ve named just two, you tell us the rest

What is the Value of state assets Michael Gove and David Cameron have transferred from taxpayers – how much did the private companies pay for the assets (NOTHING)

How much have members of the Tory Party made from selling school land in the past 18 month (when they got it for free

How much money, from English Education funds, meant to be spent on Education of English children has been transferred to the Cayman Islands for the schools Tory Party Member Stanley Fink’s company controls

What is the total value of the schools and land so far (conservative estimates to date over £1billion – what’s the real figure Michael)

So when Michael Gove tells us children should read in Roman Numerals – Tory Party Members shake hands and congratulate themselves in abusing power in Goverment to transferring £1billion of state assets and Land to each other – that’s the only Maths Michael Gove is talking in England and they celebrate with champagne at how easy it all is

This year + ago blog post was found from comments upon ;

ExuroPythonissam MysticFish

Hi Mystic

(old Cif posting from Scottish Lady, I think)

Probably this comment: ScottishLady comment (13 August 2012) Over £1 billion worth of title deeds are now in the hands of the private sector.

This rip-off of the century is being totally ignored by the media.

Why this conspiracy of silence?

I can find nothing in the Guardian (except in the comments sections) or in any other national newspaper.

Google throws up these, but they are hardly mainstream media:

Why is the media ignoring Michael Gove’s school privatisation bonanza? Liberal Conspiracy

£1billion of title deeds for schools transferred to private companies – IndyMedia UK

£1billion of title deeds for schools transferred to private companies – Mumsnet talk

Gove the giver: schools given away. (Michael Rosen blog)

Michael Gove and the school “Academification” process (blog)



Another post relevant to this from ScottishLady:

And of course when a school becomes an academy – who handles the teacher’s pension funds – hmm… would that be the private company – instead of the goverment

And then these companies also get their hands on £57 BILLION every year of taxes under the guise of an educaiton budget

Stanley Fink – his company states any “underspends” they transfer to a Cayman Ilsand fund (the money went into the ARk in £billions in £billions )

Of course Stanley Fink the Tory party treasurer has donated over £2 million to the Tory party – and Gove has handed his private company title deeds for schools and land worth at least £1i87million so far – not a bad return on your investment Stanley


Already the US has sold many toll roads, parks, and countless public properties to the Saudis, the Chinese, and who knows else? Our politicians now must endure lectures from our creditors (China’s ridiculing warning about our defaulting on their holdings of +trillion debts).

When we give the engine to pay the note can we drive our automobile to work anymore? It looks like the elite think they have the best chance of making all of us into their serfs once again. But I hope and pray that we will refuse their yoke of slavery.

Obamacare Already Employs Serco, British Company Under Investigation for Fraud

British Company SERCO under Investigation for fraud related to Obamacare

British outsourcing giant Serco has managed to construct a corporate state running parallel to the governments in Europe, Australia and the US. Now they are lined up to oversee large compartments of Obamacare in the US.

There’s only one problem: Serco is currently under investigation in the UK for invoicing fraud – billing the UK government for phantom services, including charging for electronic tagging of prisoners who did not exist. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…




Discussion of History of British/US connections:   Unemployment, Prison/Slave Labor, Communitarianism, Etc.

Episode #5 – SUNDAY WIRE SHOW with host Patrick Henningsen

Episode 5 of Sunday Wire Radio Show with host Patrick Henningsen aired Sunday Oct 6th

This week’s theme: ‘Spies, Lies and Common Law’

This week THE SUNDAY WIRE talked with former MI5 whistleblower and author David Shayler, for a frank discussion about 9/11 and 7/7, as well as realities of Common Law in the 21st century, followed by regular contributor and pundit Basil Valentine and his rant on elitists in Britain. The final hour we spoke with Brian Gerrish of the UK Column to discuss the shadow state in Britain and elite’s plans for a One World Government who are now constructing a corporate state in Europe and the US – this show is guaranteed to stimulate the mind!



Background stories:

Serco gave NHS false data about its GP service 252 times

Private firm admits altering data about out-of-hours doctor service in Cornwall, prompting call for review of contract

Private health contractor’s staff told to cut 999 calls to meet targets

Leaked email from Serco managers tells workers to manipulate computer system to ‘stop the clock’ on emergency calls

NHS lab failings followed Serco-led takeover

Joint venture between King’s College and St Thomas’ hospitals and Serco dogged by computer faults

Pray Harder, General Petraeus Called upon to Pressure Congress to Syrian War


I misread below article as indicating that Petraeus was the one “going on 6 TV networks to hawk Syrian War”, I am sorry for this mistake, however the jest of this post remains the same. It is shocking to me to read that it is President Obama himself who is going on 6 TV networks to hawk the Syrian War instead! I think that is even more amazing that Obama has sunk to that level of desperation to start war despite the nation’s and world’s oppositions!



It is desperation time for the Obama Administration when it recalls the general it got rid of just days after the 2012 election by exposing his adulterous affair with his biographer. Petraeus who is still a member of the network of the elite ruling class is going to try to strong-arm the reluctant Congress to override the 91% of American citizens who are calling, emailing, and writing our Senators and Representatives night and day to stop this insane war.

Do not be fooled, this resigned adulterous general is not concerned with the welfare of we the people nor of the Republic of the United States of America, no as sad and bitter as it may be, Petraeus is once again paying his dues to his masters by going on no less than 6 TV networks to hawk Syrian War.

Petraeus calls on Congress to back White House on Syria

In his years as U.S. commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, Petraeus was regarded by many Republican lawmakers as a god on military matters.

So the imprimatur of the former four-star general could help Obama woo skeptical Republicans, many of whom say their districts are overwhelmingly opposed to intervention. The Petraeus statement follows endorsements of Obama’s measure this week by Hillary Clinton, his first secretary of State; and Robert M. Gates, his first secretary of defense and a holdover from President George W. Bush……..

………On Wednesday, Petraeus will give his first paid speech since resigning as CIA director in November. It’ll be at Duke University and is titled, “America and the World: A Conversation with Gen. David Petraeus.” Petraeus is working with six veterans’ support groups, and is chairman of the newly created KKR Global Institute for Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. He also is teaching this fall at the University of Southern Californiam, and beginning Monday at the City University of New York……….

Why should anyone listen to this cast off of the administration who is just being brought in to push ahead the agenda to start World War III? Petraeus who is living high in his taxpayer retirement with all the honors and perks of a hero is acting like nothing but a high class prostitute to the elite. Dishonor!  Disgusting! Shameful! Ungrateful! Imperial! Blackguard! Lowdown Liar! Traitor! Blood-thirsty-tool of the Central Bankers and Wall Street Traders!  Those are the epitaphs that fit someone who would encourage irresponsible war actions.

Progressive anti-war Democrats and Tea-Party Republicans and Libertarians and Independents who still want to honor our Constitution and Freedom must rally together to throw the war hawks and horses out of Washington D C.

It makes me wonder how many more blackened skeletons reside in Petraeus’ closet for him to be called into service again? Is he or his family being threatened, or is he just this evil himself? That does not even matter though because his words and their fruits are treasonous to the Constitution and the Republic, if he has a part in setting the world on fire as a result, God be merciful, I would not want to be in his place.

Praying for No More War with Syria, and Putin, and No Nuclear False Flag

Paul Joseph Watson
September 4, 2013

Current indications suggest that Congress could reject the Obama administration’s draft resolution on Syria, setting up a potential constitutional crisis if Obama goes ahead and launches the attack anyway, as Secretary of State John Kerry has clearly suggested will happen.

Putin Calls Out US for Legacy of Faulty Pre-War Intelligence

Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer

Anthony Gucciardi & Alex Jones
September 3, 2013

“A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail.


“According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location that has been reported to be South Carolina, where the warheads will then be picked up and potentially utilized.This is of particular interest not only due to the fact that the Syrian situation has escalated to the point of a very realistic hot war scenario, but due to the fact that Dyess has repeatedly denied the existence of nuclear warheads inside the base.

The brief report from the top level military source, which was written in a rush to get the information out, reads:

“Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive. He said that Dyess Commander was on site to give authority to release. No one knew where they were going really, but the truck driver said to take them to South Carolina and another pick up will take them from there.”

The fact that this transfer was not signed for and there were no papers is key. It shows how the military is now secretly operating with the transfer of nuclear weapons, and what’s more, we know that DERMO (a military base in Florida) is a hotbed of special operations. Why is DERMO operating the nuclear warheads out of Dyess Air Force base with no paper trail? This shows that this is a highly secretive, black ops style move here that the military does not want on record.

The fact is that they don’t move all of these assets unless they plan on using them. Nuclear warheads are not simply moved to the East Coast for no reason, and the bottom line is that these missiles are likely being used for something even much greater than Syria.”

When All Else Fails, Go to War, $2,000,000,000,000. Debt to FED

“War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!”

No justice nor freedom nor creation of goods to the betterment of mankind will come from this war industry owned by the central bank corporations of the world.


Only blood, carnage, destruction, homelessness, poverty, disease, mayhem, pain, and misery will result in yet another United States of America/United Kingdom/NATO war theater being blasted open upon Syria.


The United States of American slave debt that the government office holders have agreed to with the Federal Reserve but that mankind does not owe to the Federal Reserve, $2,000,000,000,000. (two thousand billion dollars) was created out of thin air. It is bogus. It is counterfeit.


It is a debt that is unconstitutional and illegal and it therefore is an imaginary monster that cannot survive the light of day. Expose it! Fling open the closet door and look under the bed and turn on the light, for heaven sake don’t let it torment these United States of America and the rest of the world another moment!




Michael Rivero,

As long as Private Central Banks are allowed to exist, inevitably as the night follows day there will be poverty, hopelessness, and millions of deaths in endless World Wars, until the Earth itself is sacrificed in flames to Mammon.

The path to true peace on Earth lies in the abolishment of all private central banking everywhere, and a return to the state-issued value-based currencies that allow nations and people to become prosperous.



Arrest the bankers, I say! Take back the stolen powers to create money back to the Congress. If the present members of Congress don’t want the responsibility, then throw them out of office and elect those who will be fiscally accountable.



To attempt to comprehend the magnitude of and how enslaving this $2,000,000,000,000. debt is look at the following explanations from



If a person’s salary is $40,000 per year it would take:

25 years to earn $1 Million
25 Thousand years to earn $1 Billion,
25 Million years to earn $1 Trillion

If you lived to be 80 years of age, to have:

$1 Million you would have to save $34 each day of your life,
$1 Billion you would have to save $34,000 each day of your life,
$1 Trillion you would have to save $34 Million each day of your life
If you stack a trillion-worth of $1000 bills together, then:
1 million dollars = 4 inches high
1 billion dollars = 364 feet high
1 trillion dollars = 63 miles high
(give or take a foot or two)
Note that this is a STACK, not laid end-to-end.
If you count backward, then:
1 million seconds = 12 days ago
1 billion seconds = 31 years ago
1 trillion seconds = 30,000 B.C.
(give or take a decade or two)
Slavery is the only payment the bankers really will accept because they know we are in too much debt to them.
But we do not really owe this debt to them at all after all is said and done the bankers have reaped a century and a half of payments through the wars and deaths of millions upon millions of human beings the world over.
The End Game is here and the age of the bankers is over. There is hope! A few like Ron Paul know what we could do to regain our fiscal sanity.