Tag Archives: edicts

India Zero Tolerance: Pranab Mukherjee said that books with cartoons of leaders will be withdrawn and “appropriate action taken against those who indulge in such acts”

Zero Tolerance Free Speech and Expression Censorship Mounts World Wide


Threatened in India, Now Political Cartoons of Leaders Being Censored in Textbooks

From the Comments on the below article;

End of the Republic.

by poster, Observer | 15-May-2012

India is slowly but surely taking steps away from Democracy. First Internet freedom. Now this. So much for “India story”… Its more like “India Tragedy”… “The end of the Republic” All these “changes” are slow creeping in through the back door. In a Republic , Freedom of Speech and expression do not exist due to the Generosity of the Politicians. These are fundamental rights that are enshrined in the Constitution. Hmm … So much for the Constitution of India

The Indian Express : Tue May 15 2012


 …………………..But what’s most disturbing is the unanimity with which all political leaders in Parliament agreed — no, competed — to show zero tolerance. The Ambedkar cartoon was just a first flimsy excuse, the entire tradition of political caricature may be under threat. Other anodyne cartoons in the NCERT political science curriculum featuring Jawaharlal Nehru, A.B. Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh are said to have incurred the “strong displeasure” of a section of MPs. Lampooning leaders will now bring heavy consequences. Given that many MPs — from Arun Jaitley to Ram Vilas Paswan — have strong memories of the Emergency, and of defying it, it is indeed sad that they now seem so comfortable simply whiting out material from a textbook. We rely on the good sense of our legislators to uphold free expression, and this inability to see an old cartoon for what it is makes them more laughable than anything dreamt up by a satirist.

What explains this eruption of intolerance now?……………………….

This smacks of UN Agenda 21 consensus pressure to control dissent by  unconstitutional political correctness acts to squelch opposition to government. Read Rosa Koire’s book, Behind The Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 for the way it infiltrates into local communities as well as regions and countries of the world.

Cover of Rosa Koire’s book Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21

Without freedom of speech and expression there is no freedom that cannot be taken away. I would add that this generation may not willingly give away the rights of the next generation by agreeing to go along with slavery and tyranny and gagging of expression. This generation may indeed burden the next generation with illegal debts and enslavements, but every generation is responsible for their actions and may throw off that unearned bondage with courage and will.

Agenda 21 Rio+20 Who’s Watching? Climate Depot, Marc Marano Knocking Down the Mythology

All is not lost. It is not too late. There are many men, women, and children who are exposing the Agenda 21. Yesterday I posted a flurry of Agenda 21 Rio+20 articles in effort to record and share the warp speed efforts for implementation of the globalist one worlders’ intrusions into the personal level of everybody in the entire world.  I wanted to show that it is our local governments that are being used to install the Agenda 21 goals and that just about every strange edict and regulation coming into our counties, cities, regions, and towns originate with this sustainable philosophy begun officially in Sweden in 1972 40 years ago at the first Earth Summit Sweden 1972.

Closing Public Lands to People

Map of 8000 Cities Worldwide Embracing Agenda 21 Edicts to Control Citizens

List of Participants in Stockholm+40 From All Over the World

Agenda 21 Regards Humans as Invasive Species

Rio+20 to Call For Trillions Per Year in Green Taxes

That’s right, this Earth Summit 2012 in Rio de Janeiro Rio+20 is the 4th Earth Summit. These ten year meetings have reached a crescendo of force to enslave the world through the evolving green movement that regards mankind as invasive species in need of eradication and elimination and culling down to a tiny fraction of the 7 billion people of today.

As Stockholm+40 demonstrates in it’s ongoing April 23-25 preparatory to Rio+20  meeting of hundreds of high officials from nations all over the world  it is clear to my mind that these are the people who disrespect life and have megalomaniac ideas of their own fitness to rule the masses of the earth and to take on the powers of God Almighty in choosing for all humanity who shall be allowed to live, who shall be allowed to reproduce, where we shall live, and how we shall conduct our lives. A few thousand people in their stewardship rolls of the nations of the world have plotted and conspired to change the very lifestyles of the 7 billion people. I say they are in need of being striped of their positions of power and prosecuted for their miscarriage of their duties to humanity as well as to the environment they have falsely claimed to worship for the past 40 years of the existence of Earth Summit and the past 20 years of Agenda 21 pushing into our homes and backyards with the audacity to claim their superiority over their fellow mankind.

“unique opportunity” to drive an expanding U.N. agenda for years ahead, Rio+20 Agenda: Trillions Per Year In Green Taxes

Rio+20 Agenda: Trillions Per Year In Green Taxes, Transfers And Price Hikes Friday, 20 April 2012 George Russell, Fox News

 The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to stunning U.N. documents examined by Fox News.

This is indeed breathtaking.

 That huge catalogue of taxes and spending is described optimistically as “targeted investments in human and social capital on top of investments in natural capital and green physical capital,” and is accompanied by the claim that it will all, in the long run, more than pay for itself.

But the whopping green “investment” list barely scratches the surface of the mammoth exercise in global social engineering that is envisaged in the U.N. documents, prepared by the Geneva-based United Nations Environmental Management Group (UNEMG), a consortium of 36 U.N. agencies, development banks and environmental bureaucracies, in advance of the Rio session.

An earlier version of the report was presented at a closed door session of the U.N.’s top bureaucrats during a Long Island retreat last October, where Rio was discussed as a “unique opportunity” to drive an expanding U.N. agenda for years ahead.

Under the ungainly title of Working Towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy, A United Nations System-Wide Perspective, the final version of the 204-page report is intended to “contribute” to preparations for the Rio + 20 summit, where one of the two themes is “the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. ” (The other theme is “the institutional framework for sustainable development” –sometimes known as global environmental governance.)

But in fact, it also lays out new roles for private enterprise, national governments, and a bevy of socialist-style worker, trade and citizens’ organizations in creating a sweeping international social reorganization, all closely monitored by regulators and governments to maintain environmental “sustainability” and “human equity.”

“Transforming the global economy will require action locally (e.g., through land use planning), at the national level (e.g., through energy-use regulations) and at the international level (e.g., through technology diffusion),” the document says. It involves “profound changes in economic systems, in resource efficiency, in the composition of global demand, in production and consumption patterns and a major transformation in public policy-making.” It will also require “a serious rethinking of lifestyles in developed countries.”


Read the full report here;

204 page UN report Green Economy pdf



UN Agenda 21 Rio + 20 Summit, Locking People Off Public Lands

Agenda 21 is on schedule and at work in a community (perhaps yours?). If land use restrictions and use of public lands are making you change your plans for the summer recreational season you can thank the United Nations Agenda 21 Summit in Rio do Janeiro 1992 and our then serving president George H. W. Bush’s signing us onto it’s unratified treaty.  That means nobody voted for it, not private citizens and not congressmen or senators, NOBODY. But everybody is under Agenda 21.  Below are screenshots, click to enlarge.

Agenda 21 Cities in USA, go to website to see if you are included

Take a look at Europe’s participation.

Pretty much all of Europe is in Agenda 21 compliance

These maps and the rest of the world’s signing onto UN Agenda 21 Rio +20 Conference scheduled 58 days from today.

World Map of 7751 Cities Working for Sustainability


All the World is the goal of Agenda 21 Rio + 20 Summit


Start here for links to 177 pages of Agenda 21 projects in your local city and county in the USA

Each of the 177 web pages has 20 published articles of the efforts to install Agenda 21 in your community.


BUT here is the true story of Agenda 21

Agenda 21 Coming to a Town Near You with Your Permission


UN Report for Rio+20 Outlines Top-down “Green” World Order


What are the UN’s Agenda 21 and ICLEI?


I want to live and I want my children and grandchildren to live free and healthy and to be free from Agenda 21. This is the opportunity to take back our world from these geneticists and humanity haters who make these nefarious plans to sustain and vision their Agenda 21 through the Rio + 20 Summit.  It can be defeated if only people all over the world will wake up and say to them, “No, no, no, and no!”






Agenda 21 Beach Use Limits NC and Miami

I’ve been aware as a Florida beach community resident for many years that the environmentalists are taking the joy out of living near nature by ever increasing restrictions upon public lands. Agenda 21 originated in 1992 Earth Summit in Rio is hard at work in every community in America as evidenced in land use for the greater good of not humanity, but rather for THE ENVIRONMENT of which by implication humanity is the enemy.

Agenda 21 Wants People OFF the Beach!


Summertime Blues


 Planning a vacation this summer to Miami’s Biscayne Bay for a little fishing?

Think again, because the National Park Service wants to set aside a large swath of the pristine area as a marine reserve zone, so you might have to leave the fishing poles at home. And the boat.

Perhaps horseback riding is more your speed and the family plans to ride through California’s Sequoia or Kings Canyon National Parks? Sorry, but all of the permits were pulled for those activities this summer.

Or maybe you just want to lounge on the soft sands of North Carolina’s Outer Banks and read a novel, fly a kite with the kids, toss a Frisbee to the dog, and watch dad catch some fish?

No, no, no and no.

Beachcombers along specific stretches of those legendary shores are seeing signs telling them to leave their kites and pets at home, and to watch where they step.

“Leave no footprints behind. Walk in water where footprints wash away,” read the signs posted in February by federal officials.

Beaches that once welcomed fisherman to drive up to the water’s edge are also off-limits to the vehicles, and so is fishing.

These vacation destinations are all national parks that once encouraged such recreational uses and enjoyment but their new “no trespassing” attitudes have angered the local communities, and some in Congress as well.

In March, Rep. Walter Jones (R–N.C.) challenged the restrictions imposed by the beach signs, which were the result of battles with environmentalists to protect certain species.

The park service that operates the Cape Hatteras National Seashore pledged to replace them, and the new signs will read: “Walk near water’s edge. Stay below high tide line.”   http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=50998


Oddly, humans the highest developed form of life are the lowest priority for Agenda 21. It is doubly strange to think of all the public lands that have accumulated to we the people, in our local, state, and national park systems as being closed to us. We have gladly given over these lands to be a trust for all to enjoy and now Agenda 21 comes along and tells us that we are not trusted to use them! I can only conclude that signifies humankind is being regarded by Agenda 21 as an invasive species to be controlled.



Agenda 21, Strange Injustices Against Individuals Have Clear Meaning in

“Agenda 21 Green Kiss of Death”

Chicken Man Harrased to Death by Local Georgia Governmental Implementation of Green Agenda


Watch Words to look for;

Smart Growth 

Wild Lands Project

Environmental Protection  





Sustainable Development

Sustainable Medicine

Scenic Byways

Walkable Communities

 Public Relations


Greater Good

No Need to Fight 1000 Battles

Abundance Ecology vs Shortage Ecology of Agenda 21

Duty to Die

The Doom of Language – Cultural Marxism

Freedom Advocates Recognize Unalienable Rights

Global to Local Action


Paul Joseph Watson Reports Social Networks Being Monitored, Questions Intimidation

Intimidation Heavily Weighs Upon Social Media

It is becoming clearer and clearer that the ptb are very, very worried about you and me communicating and sharing information. The “parchment” is nowhere to be seen in these actions to shut up we the people. These edicts come down to us with no authority other than their capricious will to dominate us with their politically correct propaganda.

As long as we have the power to communicate, we must not be cowed and quelled into silence. Speak now, share now, they can’t long suppress the truth, it will come out, it will come out, it will come out!

If embeded video below (it is not a copyrighted one so it by rights should play, it is getting harder to share youtube videos) will not play just copy & paste this link to article.


Paul Joseph Watson asks why three seperate branches of the federal government are rushing to monitor social media 24/7.