Edward Snowden, “Truth for Privacy” Rand Paul Says, “Clapper lied to Congress”


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USA Officialdom Responses to Edward Snowden’s flight out of Hong Kong:

Infantile Sniveling Senator Chuck Schumer complaint about friends not being treated properly,

“Putin always seems almost eager to stick a finger in the eye of the United States – whether it is Syria, Iran and now of course with Snowden,” Schumer told CNN’s “State of the Union,” adding that China may have been involved as well. “Allies are suppose to treat each other in decent ways.”

Rand Paul, a true statesman patriot;

“They’re going to contrast the behavior of James Clapper, our national intelligence director, with Edward Snowden,” said Paul. “Mr. Clapper lied in Congress in defiance of the law in the name of security. Mr. Snowden told the truth in the name of privacy.”

Paul continued: “So I think there will be a judgment because both of them broke the law, and history will have to determine.”

2 thoughts on “Edward Snowden, “Truth for Privacy” Rand Paul Says, “Clapper lied to Congress”

    1. ” “domestic extremists,” an elastic and undefined term that easily includes truth-tellers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden who embarrass the government by revealing its crimes. The criminals who have seized illegitimate power in Washington cannot survive unless truth can be suppressed or redefined as treason.

      If Americans acquiesce to the coup d’etat, they will have placed themselves firmly in the grip of tyranny.”

      This is so true, thanks for the links!
