Category Archives: Future Generations

Snowden, from Whistle-blower to Leaker to Renegade

If the false left/right paradigm has its way the only thing the ‘average citizen’ will get from main stream media from both neoconservative (FOX and those ‘fair and balanced’ organizations) and pseudo liberal outlets (MSNBC ‘lean forward’ organizations) will be the question, “Where is Edward Snowden?”

As time goes forward we have witnessed the steadily changing adjectives used to describe Edward Snowden by these gatekeepers for the NSA run government lackey ‘news’ outlets are extremely revealing;

1st Whistle-blower

2nd Leaker

3rd Renegade



Edward Snowden, “Truth for Privacy” Rand Paul Says, “Clapper lied to Congress”

Live Update link above.


USA Officialdom Responses to Edward Snowden’s flight out of Hong Kong:

Infantile Sniveling Senator Chuck Schumer complaint about friends not being treated properly,

“Putin always seems almost eager to stick a finger in the eye of the United States – whether it is Syria, Iran and now of course with Snowden,” Schumer told CNN’s “State of the Union,” adding that China may have been involved as well. “Allies are suppose to treat each other in decent ways.”

Rand Paul, a true statesman patriot;

“They’re going to contrast the behavior of James Clapper, our national intelligence director, with Edward Snowden,” said Paul. “Mr. Clapper lied in Congress in defiance of the law in the name of security. Mr. Snowden told the truth in the name of privacy.”

Paul continued: “So I think there will be a judgment because both of them broke the law, and history will have to determine.”

Miss Alabama (airhead beauty) Thinks Spying on Her Makes Her Safer

This foolish young woman can sacrifice her liberty for her “safety” to be able to go to “the movies, the airport, and the mall”.

wow…..she’s such a narcissist that she actually likes the thought of having her every move watched.

It seems all this gal needs is shiny sparkley objects to make her happy and opportunities to play dress-up and look-at-me……….sad to think this girl has been “educated beyond her intelligence” (Mississippi comedian, Jerry Clower quote).

Ron Paul Fears That NSA Leaker, Edward Snowden, Might Be Killed by Somebody in Our Government

Ron Paul fears NSA leaker assassination, By Lucy Madison / CBS News/ June 12, 2013, 9:25 AM

[…]”I’m worried about, somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile,” said Ron Paul a former Texas congressman who twice ran for the Republican presidential nomination, in an interview Tuesday with Fox Business Network. “I mean, we live in a bad time where American citizens don’t even have rights and that they can be killed, but the gentlemen is trying to tell the truth about what’s going on.”[…]

[…]Paul, a staunch libertarian who has long fought for individual civil liberties – and who may count Snowden as a supporter – argued on Fox Business Network that Snowden’s motives appeared pure.

“It’s a shame that we are in an age where people who tell the truth about what the government is doing gets into trouble,” he said. “What about the people who destroy our Constitution?… What do we think about people who assassinate American citizens without trials and assume that that’s the law of the land? That’s where our problem is. Our problem isn’t with people who are trying to tell us the truth about what’s happening.”[…]





Ted Cruz and Rand Paul Identified by VP Biden as Able to “Cower the bulk of the Republican Party in the Senate”

Biden Warns: GOP Led By Two Young Senators, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul
6:44 AM, Jun 12, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER


At a high-dollar fundraiser last night in Washington, D.C., Vice President Joe Biden warned his fellow Democrats about the Republicans.

“It’s a pretty simple proposition: The United States of America, and the state of Massachusetts, does not need another Republican in the Senate,” Biden told the assembled donors, according to the press pool report. “I’m being straight about this. This is not your father’s Republican Party. It really is a fundamentally different party. There’s never been as much distance, at least since I’ve been alive, distance between where the mainstream of the Republican congressional party is and the Democratic Party is. It’s a chasm. It’s a gigantic chasm.”In particular, Biden shared his distrust of two young Republican senators, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.“I’m not talking about the character or even the quality of the minds of the people I’m going to mention. But the last thing in the world we need now is someone who will go down to the United States Senate and support Ted Cruz, support the new senator from Kentucky — or the old senator from Kentucky,” said Biden.

“Think about this. … Have you ever seen a time when two freshman senators are able to cower the bulk of the Republican Party in the Senate? That is not hyperbole.”

“On the gun issue, I don’t care what your position is — I called 17 senators out, 9 of whom were Republicans. … Not one of offered an explanation on the merits of why they couldn’t vote for the background check. But almost to a person, they said, ‘I don’t want to take on Ted Cruz. I don’t want to take on Rand Paul. They’ll be in my district.’

“I actually said, ‘Are you kidding? These are two freshman,’” Biden said, according to the pool report. “This is a different, party folks. They’re not bad guys, and they’re both very bright guys. And I’m not questioning their motive.”

There is no doubt in my mind that here we have the clear demarcation line of the forces aligned in battle for our Republic, namely the present powers in Washington DC made up of self serving Constitution dishonoring jackals ravening to tear apart what is left of US individuals’ Freedom.

Biden is no fool, he has eyes and ears to see who is the enemy of this rouge government made up of both parties Democratic and Republican old hand shaking deal making insiders.

I pray those who call themselves conservatives, progressives, and liberals in the United States of America will recognize the same and demand the restoration of our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

Rand Paul Speaks Out on 1984 and NSA Spying on Citizens

Published on Nov 13, 2012

George Orwell’s dystopian novel continues to come true in too many ways.


Rand Paul: Sue Obama’s surveillance state

Entire article;

[…]“We are looking through so much data that I think it makes our fight against terrorism worse,” Paul said.

Want to know how and why America has so rapidly come to resemble the totalitarian society described by novelist George Orwell in “1984,” one characterized by universal surveillance? It’s all exposed in a special issue of Whistleblower magazine – titled “ONE NATION UNDER SURVEILLANCE: Big Brother is watching in ways Orwell never dreamed.”

Paul has been an outspoken critic of the NSA’s massive surveillance program, which came under fire after the Guardian reported last week on the agency’s collection of phone records from millions of Americans.[…]

Edward Snowden Guardian’s interview one more source link;

NSA whistleblower afraid for his life?

Bilderberg Transactional Capital vs Stakeholder Capital, The Two Competing Power Philosophies Both Controlled by Elites

This introduction opens myriad issues of world powers using the world’s resources and peoples of this planet.   This video dispassionately lays out their two pronged one world order struggles.   Unlike my personal belief that there is good and evil in the world this Bilderberg group believes their brains and power grant them right of rule despite the methods they “must” use which involve manipulation of peoples, systems, and resources including deception, secrecy, theft, and brute power of war.



Bilderberg 2013: Andrew Kakabadse on How Elite Power Shapes the World
Tue, 04 Jun 2013,

Copy and paste into your browser to see this video;

Screen shot
Screen shot



The common denominator here in my humble opinion is that these two groups look upon themselves as being entitled to mold the world because of their brains to actually hold, take, and keep power and property.

It boils down to two philosophies of one world rule, both of which ignore and minimize individual rights and preclude benevolence and charity of the Biblical sense.  Right and wrong seem not to exist in this realm of world power play.

The philosophy of Communitarianism contrasted to Individualism is defined here;

The Anti Communitarian Manifesto
What is the Hegelian Dialectic? and The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking by Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich, 2003, Seattle, Wyoming, Alaska.
Abstract: Background: Communitarianism is the theory that individual rights must be balanced against the rights of the “community.” Its many proponents insist that individual rights and liberties pose a real threat to the health and safety of the “community at large.” The founders of the Communitarian Network began “shoring up the moral, social and political environment” in the early 1990s. Today the communitarian theory is the basis for hundreds of new global rules and regulations eliminating individual rights, yet fewer than one percent of the affected population knows about it.
Results: The progression of recent history clearly shows a dedicated effort to lead the world into unknowingly accepting communitarian solutions. To understand how philosophical Communitarianism advanced itself, the authors traced it back to the original source. Using the works of the leading Communitarian theorists, they followed the path from Seattle Neighborhood Plans all the way to the International Court at the Hague.
Conclusion: The foundation for the communitarian theory is undisputedly the Hegelian dialectic; Part I, a tutorial on the Hegelian dialectic is fully substantiated by Jesuit priests, Renowned Marxists and Pope John Paul. Theoretical analysis, i.e.. (A) Communitarianism did not evolve naturally (B) and it was never a movement that arose out of U.S. society (C) therefore, communitarianism has no natural home in the United States., is further substantiated with 70 verifiable, solid references that overwhelmingly support it. Part II, also heavily referenced, outlines historical events leading to the global communitarian synthesis. The changing duality of the new legal system clearly indicates Communitarianism is a criminal enterprise whose aim is to destroy all legal institutions established under national and state constitutions. Both Part I and Part II establish the aims and shared goals of the lesser arms involved in the global communitarian insurrection, showing direct ties to the War on Terror business, the European Union’s integration under Communitarian Law, the emerging North American Free Trade Zone, UN Local Agenda 21, global sustainable development programs, Regionalization, Faith-Based Initiatives, Volunteer America, Community Oriented Policing, Rebuilding Community and Community Development.



Word for Word, Local Talking Heads Clone Affiliate’s Telepromptered Scripts

WAKE UP! Shake off Local TV Talking Heads, OK, I always knew that all the mainstream ‘big box’ network news were co-ordinated, and I thought I understood that our friendly community TV newscasts were “salted” with politically correct national and international scripts for Local TV news Talking Heads to parrot, but I just never considered that those “salty” insertions were so blatantly presented as the clever witticisms of our hometown voices of TV authority.

OK, OK, OK, I’ve been a little naive in thinking that there was anything local about Local TV, after all they are called Affiliates, aren’t they, and they’re owned by people who own strings of TV stations for making profits, for heaven’s sakes!

You’ll see those Local Talking Heads Clone Affiliates’ Telepromptered Scripts in a set of video clips that will make your respect for your neighborhood talents evaporate. These pretty people are good at smiling, memorizing, and regurgitating from their play manuscripts in such an appealing way that you actually might believe they have a care about the information they’re parroting.

The Beginning Of The End For The Mainstream Media!

From Comments on the video,

Van Couver , said, “Love it! Thank you! I wish all the tv owners/watchers would see this video. What is insane is now normal and what is normal is considered insane. George Carlin said it best, “rip common sense”.”

800lbgrila  , said, “Direct TV jeanie system lets u record 6 channels, real time simutane. On skiping playback u would swear they were owned and scripted by same corp. Oh shit, they are.” 

Constitution Lobby , said, “very sickening how pathetically inadequate our information system is. it is run by a bunch of nuts, criminals and psycopaths and they only hire imbeciles (or fire or threaten those who are not) and so many Americans are relying on this insanity for their information. it begs the question, who are the crazy ones around here? Those who believe media or who can see through it?” 


 SuspiciousPatriot  , said, “Amazing, when you see them all line up like that, repeating the same words and phrases in the same order. Even more amazing, that people still watch that crap, known as the mainstream “news”. It’s nothing but propaganda.”

seektruthandwisdom , said,  “Put the MSM in a museum with the dinosaurs. The news anchors are nothing more than charming actors who read from a script and brainwash the public into believing what their hidden masters want you to believe.”



UN Agenda 21 Using “Happiness” of Tiny Poor Bhutan as Preparation for Developed Countries Decline into Third World Economic Status

I wrote on this subject about a year ago and a fellow blogger made a comment that I agree with whole heartedly,

Susan says:
May 2, 2012 at 1:16 pm (Edit)

Interesting “watchword” Muse. I wonder how their “happiness” compares with “the joy of the Lord”….? It seems their “world” is very “Orwellian”, in that whatever word they use, the opposite is the actual truth, so in this case “happiness” actually translates to be:


April 26, 2012, this post;

Did Ya Know? Happiness is the new watchword

Happiness, it is always interesting to discover what the newest watchword is for the globalist push for all nations to join in the long term sustainable green economy global transition, there’s even a UN drafted Covenant that would supersede nations’ constitutions that includes Happiness as an avenue to convincing leaders of communities and cities regions and counties of the wisdom of their proposals.

International Covenant on
Environment and Development, Fourth Edition 2010

To introduce you to the basics,

The UN Plan For Running The World: Global Carbon Taxes, Global Safety Nets And A One World Green Economy Link to Michael Snyder article;

Fast forward to March 2013, United Nations Press Release Note No. 6384

Marking First International Day of Happiness, United Nations Academic Impact

to Co-host Event on ‘Happiness, Well-being’ with Permanent Mission of Bhutan (a tiny, poor country with a very low GDP per capita, but ranked among the happiest nations in the world)

To mark the first International Day of Happiness, the United Nations Academic Impact of the Department of Public Information will host, on Wednesday, 20 March, 2013,  a conversation on “Happiness and well-being: Essential for a sustainable future.”

From BBC News UK Breakfast videos;

United Nations launches International Happiness Day

also “More like this” “The answer to real happiness?”

Co-ordinated article in United States USA Today;

U.N.’s Day of Happiness strikes chord

[…]The day had a trending hashtag on twitter — #HappyDay — and its own website. is led by Action for Happiness, an 80,000-member movement to promote happiness, and Cheers, a positivity and happiness app founded in Los Angeles.

“The U.N. declaring this day is punctuating a movement that’s been going on for a while,” says Farhad Mohit, founder of Cheers. “People are starting to question the way of measuring progress. More income doesn’t equate to more happiness – and it’s hard to argue with happiness, that’s not a bad goal.”

There was even a Hackathon for Happiness. The H(app)athon Project had people in New York, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Bogota, Tokyo, London and Oslo using the latest marketing technology to try and shift the world’s view of value away from gross domestic product.

“We want to create a personal happiness indicator that can teach people: You are worth more than money.” says John Havens, founder of the H(app)athon Project.

The International Day of Happiness was originally suggested by Bhutan, a country that uses the Gross National Happiness Index to evaluate their progress, rather than a gross domestic product (GDP) model.[…]

Now moving close to today we read Sunday, May 12, 2013,

article from United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe

The UN and happiness

A picture is worth a thousand words

[…]Now why would the UN make a matter as private and subjective as happiness into a public and global one? And, why on 20 March? As with many a good fairy tale, the whole thing started with a king wanting the best for his country. In 1972 the king of Bhutan, a tiny and poor, yet happy Himalayan kingdom, grew tired of countries being measured by its gross domestic product solely, and coined the term Gross National Happiness (GNH).

Bhutan, a country with a very low GDP per capita, but ranked among the happiest nations in the world, then started efforts to put happiness on the global agenda. Last summer, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution “Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development”  , recognizing the pursuit of happiness as a universal aspiration embodying the spirit of the Millennium Development Goals.[…]

The UN and Happiness plan for we in the developed world is to mentally prepare us to embrace “a very low GDP per capita” such as “Bhutan, a tiny and poor, yet happy Himalayan kingdom”.

UN Agenda 21 wants an equally poor communitarian planet of nations going backward together into a “poor, yet happy” United Nations run world.

Comments from an attendee on of the April 23-25, 2012, Stockholm+40  by Alan AtKisson author of books, Believing Cassandra and The Sustainability Transformation, can be found on his blog; Alan Atkisson .

Religion also plays a great part;

Ecumenical News

UN marks first International Day of Happiness

Sasha Mercier
Wednesday, March 20 2013

International Day of Happiness, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Gross National Happiness

Another Picture Worth a Thousand Words in UN Propaganda Use of More Happiness, Bhutan's Gross National Happiness index
Another Picture Worth a Thousand Words in UN Propaganda Use of More Happiness, Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness index

The Brussels based United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe – UNRIC provides information on UN activities to the countries of the region. It also provides liaison with institutions of the European Union in the field of information. Its outreach activities extend to all segments of society and joint campaigns, projects and events are organized with partners including the EU,


the media,


schools, and

local authorities.

All of the above entities are being taken over from the peoples they represent  by those who want UN Agenda 21 to level and standardize the all nations into an equality of poverty and dependence upon those few 0.000001% who have formulated this definition of “Happiness”.

Central banks and global corporations own the UN, they ARE the UN (just one example, remember the $10 billion dollars that Ted Turner donated to the UN?), and they are guilty of causing the lion’s share of, ” “The economic crisis, accelerating environmental degradation and growing discontent around the world” that is being blamed upon the 99.999999% of humanity who have been lead into this moment of growing global MISERY.

If the UN Agenda 21 achieves its “Happiness” goals there will be MISERY as never before experienced upon this world…..but………I cannot imagine that this insanity could ever be pulled off, yes, some of it has already been begun…….but really……….you can fool some of the people some of the time………..No, I think UN Agenda 21 will go down as another Utopian nightmare, it’s just too unnatural, never gonna stamp out life and light.